Wednesday, December 17, 2008

16.12 Stres v mojom zivote

Last night we had our last Club for 2008, and we had a really good turn out. The past couple weeks we have just had one big group for discussions, but this week we were able to go back to 2 groups! I think the theme for the night was part of the reason we had so many people come... who doesn´t have stress, and who doesn´t want to get rid of it???

So, Matt led us in our evening of Stress. He talked about how it impacts all levels of life.

- the individual experiences the effects of stress. It takes a toll on our minds, bodies and spirits.

- stress causes physical problems such as hyper tension, migraines, joint pain, back aches

- emotionally stress is linked to depression, substance abuse, and feelings of anger, frustration and hopelessness

- stress has a negative impact on the workplace and economy. The World Health Organization says that stress is a "worldwide epidemic". Statistics Canada says that 40% of job turnover is stress related and stress costs the Canadian economy $12 million each year. The American economy loses $300 billion each year.

- it impacts interpersonal relationships. How many fights have we had because one person was a little stressed out

Stress does not always come from negative events. Any change and the adaptation it requires can cause stress. Stress can be a part of adapting to any change - good or bad. Sometimes even thinking about these changes can cause stress.

Then we did a stress test... 2 dolphins, how many differences do you see? The more you see, the more stressed you are!

Then we watched the response of some people to stress...
Which brought us to our first discussion....
- What are your stressors?
- What causes you stress?
- How do you know when you are experiencing stress? What is your pattern of stress.
- How do you react to it?

Then we wanted to talk about ways of dealing with stress...
- Try being active. Exercise and physical activity releases endorphins that naturally combat stress and puts tense muscles to work. Being physically tired may also help you sleep
- A little emotional release can be a good thing: crying and laughing releases the same endorphins
- Watch a funny movie / sad movie. go to see a comedian. go somewhere private and let yourself cry etc.
- A hobby or project to direct your energies into and take your mind off of things.
-foods rich in antioxidants are good: Potatoes, cantaloupe, strawberries, raw cabbage and citrus fruits
-Magnesium helps a lot to manage your stress level. Green vegetables like spinach, almonds and seeds are the best source of magnesium.
- Use time management techniques like using a calendar or writing yourself reminder notes / plan your day ahead to be efficient
- Try a new, creative idea to an old problem (even if it seems a bit crazy)

here´s one more method....

Discussion 2:
- How do you cope with stress?
- How should you cope with stress?
- How do you see other people coping with stress?
- What helps you best to cope with stress

Then Matt told us about how he was so stressed once that his eye started twitching, but he was still in denial that he had stress! That is, until his wife sat him down and told him the truth about his state, and he was able to confront his stress and do something to change the situation!

Then, we discussed another method of dealing with stress... which is to eat cookies! So, we did!

This was our last club for this year, but we are already excited for our FIRST CLUB of 2009 which will be on 17.02 at 18:30. But if you want to contact us over the break, you can email us at And if there is any theme or topic that you would want to talk about in the new year, don´t hesitate to email us your ideas!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Láska: fikcia alebo skutočnosť? Love: Fiction or Fact?

Ach, tá láska... vec bez ktorej ľudia nedokážu žiť... Čakali sme, že tohto klubu sa zúčastnia najmä dievčatá, ale stalo sa čosi, čo nikto nečakal... v skutočnosti nás mužské pokolenie prvýkrát prevýšilo svojou prítomnosťou!!! Nieže by nám to vadilo, to ani náhodou! Práve naopak, bolo to úplne super!

Oh, the love. Something that some people can't live without... For this club, we really expected to have a lot of girls come out, but something happened which were didn't expect at all... we had more guys than girls!!! Not that I'm complaining, not at all! In fact, it was refreshing!

Klub sme začali hrou „Baby, ak ma miluješ...“ a bolo sa teda na čom smiať. Väčšine z nás táto hra moc nešla, najmä kvôli tomu, že človek sa nesmiel ani len usmiať počas toho, ako mu ten druhý vyznával lásku a prosil ho ,aby sa na neho usmial. To však nebolo všetko... ešte mu aj s vážnou tvárou musel odpovedať, že ho tiež miluje, ale usmiať sa teda na neho nemôže lebo chce radšej vyhrať túto hru. Hovoríte si, že na tom nič nie je? Nuž, nebolo to až také jednoduché ako sa zdá... ale aspoň sme sa na sebe poriadne nasmiali.

This week we played a game that was really fun to start us off... Baby if you love me! I discovered that most of the people who came are not good at this game. All it needed was for a person to keep a straight face while the other declared their love for them. Simple, right? Well, I guess not as easy as it would seem! :) We had a good laugh though.

Po takomto úvode sme sa pustili do takého zahrievacieho kola diskusie...
Then we started with a little pre-amble...

Ako definujete lásku? Čo znamená láska pre teba? How do you define love? What love is to you?
Je láska MAGICKÉ (emócie) vs. CHEMICKÉ (reprodukcia)? ... Je láska iba nástroj, ktorý nám pomáha prežiť ako DRUH? Is love chemicals or emotions (magical vs. chemical). Could it be evolution's (reproduction) way to keeping us together for the reason of surviving as a species?

Až sme sa pustili do pozerania dvoch klipov, o tom ako nás láska môže niekedy vyprovokovať robiť bláznivé veci...
Which led us to watch 2 clips about how love can make us do really crazy things...

Diskusia č. 1
Discussion #1
1. Odkiaľ pochádzajú naše predstavy o láske? A akú úlohu pri tom zohrávajú naše vlastné skúsenosti, médiá, rodina, priatelia? Where do our ideas of love come from? (what role does own experience play, media, friends, family play?)

2. Ako je láska prezentovaná v médiách (reklama, filmy, piesne)? How do we feel is love represented in modern media? What does the media promote? (tv adverts, movies, songs)

3. Sklamal si sa už niekedy v láske? Prestal si preto veriť v lásku?
Has love ever hurt you? Has that made you doubt the power or the existence of love?

4. Je pravda, že láska nás ženie robiť bláznivé veci? Love makes us do crazy things..

Diskusia č. 2
Discussion #2:
1. Ako láska ovplyvňuje naše konanie/myšlienky/city/zdravie? Sme viac energický, chudneme atď. Does love influence our actions, thoughts (emotions) and health?...your heart beats faster, your eyes - zrnice sa ti rozsiria, your skin flashes - cervenate sa..

2. Aký vplyv má láska na tvoj život? Mení ťa to, keď vieš, že ťa niekto má rád? How love has affected your life..what has love changed me? what impact has love had on your life?

3. Mohol by svet existovať bez lásky? (..ak je to len mýtus?) Could the world survive without love (if it's just a myth)?

4. Súhlasíš s tým, že v láske a vojne je dovolené všetko?
Do you agree with the statement, "All is fair in love and war"?

Pred tým ako sme sa pustili do tej sladšej časti večera, čiže koláčovice, Betka nám porozprávala o tom, aký má ona – ako lásko skeptik - postoj k láske, o tom, že ona lásku medzi ľuďmi nedefinuje ako „lásku“, ale iba ako rôzne úrovne priateľstva, alebo vzťahov medzi ľuďmi. No napokon skonštatovala, že jedinú „skutočnú lásku“ , ktorú kedy spoznala, bola vo vzťahu s Bohom, kvôli tomu, že jedine v tomto vzťahu doposiaľ neprežila sklamanie ani ublíženie toho druhého, ale práve naopak naplnenie lásky a neuveriteľný pokoj duše.

Then, before we had cake, Betka told us about her personal experience of love and how she doesn't define love between people as "love", but as just in varying levels of friendship. And that her only experience with "true love", was in the context of her relationship with God. That it was in that relationship that she was able to experience true love and peace in that.

Napokon sme to priklincovali koláčom z kanadskej dielne Amber s názvom Ginger Bread s kilami šlahačky... Juchúúú nám navodilo už takú superskú vianočnú atmosféru!

Then, we had some Canadian cake ala Amber, with lots of whipping cream! It tasted a little bit like Christmas... :)