Friday, November 6, 2009

We Have Begun Again!

A new semester has begun, with all its excitements and the things that we're not so excited about.  Things like tests to study and essays to write... But, amoungst the GOOD things to be excited for, we have PN starting again!  Last week was our first club of the semester, where we had a good talk about stereotypes.  Some good insight was shared, some good stories from personal experience. 

Next club is coming up NEXT WEEK ON: WHITE LIES!!  Come and join us... is there such thing as good lies?? Come and explore, where there are no right or wrong answers, and where everyone has a voice. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nový semester 2009!

Začal nový semester a s ním sa rozbehla aj ďalšia séria diskusných klubov PotichuNahlas. Najbližšie stretnutie sa uskutoční 27.októbra o 18.30 na Kupeckej 6, v priestoroch Mozajky na poschodi. Témou klubu je STEREOTYPY - v ktorom sa nájdeš?... a chystáme aj nejakú tú pochúťku na záver. Viac si už necháme pre seba a podelíme sa o to s vami až na mieste. Tak šup, šup z lavíc a intrákov do Mozaiky! Tešíme sa na vás.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

21.4 Mobilita

Pred 100 rokmi nebolo pre človeka až také nezvyčajňé, že sa narodil, žil, pracoval a zomrel na rovnakom mieste. Dnes, keď máme otvorené dvere do celého sveta a lacné letenky, je nám svet omnoho viac dostupnejší. Za týchto okolností je omnoho viac pravdepodobné, že ľudia žijú, študujú, vydajú/oženia sa a zomrú na úpne iných miestach. Koncept "domova" sa úplne zmenil. A práve toto bolo témou našich rozhovorov tento týždeň.

100 years ago, it was not so rare for a person to be born, live, work and die in the same place. Now, with open borders and cheap airline tickets, the whole world has become accessible to us, and now it is more likely that people will live, study, marry and die in totally different places. The concept of "home" has now changed. This was the theme of our talk this week.

Diskusia 1:

-Kvôli čomu by si odišiel zo svojho mesta/krajiny? (žena, práca, príležitosť, dobrodružstvo)

-Kam by si šiel? Alebo nešiel?

-Žil/býval si už v inej kultúre? Čo sa ti tam páčilo/nepáčilo? Bolo ťažké sa prispôsobiť?

-Imigroval niekto z tvojej rodiny?

-Aký máš názor na imigráciu?

-Ako berieš ľudí z iných kultúr, ktorí žijú v tvojej krajine? Ako to vplýva na tvoju kultúru/krajinu?

-Aké máš skúsenosti s cestovaním?

-Máš priateľov, ktorí sú zjavne predstaviteľmi menšiny?

-Máš cestovateľského chrobáka? Cestuješ veľa?

Discussion 1:
- What would cause you to leave your city? country? (wife/job/opportunity/adventure)
- Where would you go? Not go?
- Have you ever lived in another culture? What did you like? Not like? Was it hard to adjust?
- Is immigration in your family?
- What are your thoughts about immigration?
- How do you view other cultures in your nation? How has it changed your home culture/country?
- What has your experience with travel been?
- Do you have friends who are a part of a visible minority?

Avšak život v "malom" svete má na nás výrazný vplyv. Spoznávame nové veci, ako pásmová choroba (jet lag), kultúrny šok, nostalgia po domove a iné. Sú to veci, ktorým naši predkovia nikdy nemuseli čeliť.

But, living in such a "small" world does have it affects on us. We are introduced to new things such as, jet lag, culture shock, home sickness and the like. Things that our ancestors never had to deal with. Also, the whole concept of "home"...

Diskusia 2:

-Aká dôležitá je pre teba tvoja národnosť?

-Ako to vplýva na tvoju identitu?

-Zažil si už pásmovú chorobu (jet lag)?

-Ak žiješ mimo domu, aký máš vzťah so svojimi priateľmi/rodinou doma?

Discussion 2:
- How important is your nationality to you?
- How does it affect your identity?
- Have you ever experienced jet lag?
- If you live away from home, how do you relate to your friends/family back home?
- Do you have the travel bug?

Náš hosť Sheldon uzavrel klub s tým, že nám povedal o svojich vlastných bohatých skúsenostiach s cestovaním, ktoré je pre neho samozrejmosťou najmä kvôli práci. Podľa neho je dôležité vedieť kde je váš domov, nech cestujete kamkoľvek. Pre neho je to miesto, kde sú ľudia, ktorí ho milujú a prijímajú ho takého aký je. Nech je kdekoľvek na svete, pokiaľ sú tam takýto ľudia, tak sa cíti ako doma. A ako človek, ktorý je veriaci v Krista mu pomáha nachádzať "rodinu" kdekoľvek na svete a to je úžasné!

Our guest, Sheldon, concluded our club by telling us about his experiences with travelling a lot for work and life. He said that for him, wherever you go, you have to know what home is for you. For him, it is where there are people who love and accept him. He could be anywhere in the world, so long as he had that. Also, being a believer in Christ has caused him to have "family" everywhere in the world, and that's a great thing!

A nakoniec sme si pochutili na skvelých cupcake-och od Amber...mňaaam...

Then we had cupcakes...mmm... cupcakes... :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Nakoľko sa zvečerilo a za sebou máme veľký nočný pondelok, tak len krátka správa pre Vás všetkých, ktorí by ste sa zajtra chystali na klub. Keďže aj školy Vám dali zajtra voľno, tak Vám dáme voľno aj my s klubom, lebo veď aj tak ste všetci odcestovaní, a vidíme sa pre zmenu na klube až budúci utorok...s už sľubovanou témou:


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rozvod: Vedel by som to prezit?

Nakoľko je dnes veľa ľudí ovplyvnených rozvodom a rozvod je už fakt bežnou vecou vo svete, mysleli sme, že by to bola skvelá téma na klub! Tak sa do toho pustime!

Since so many people today are affected by divorce, and since divorce is such a common thing in our world, we thought that it would be a great theme for a club! Let's talk about this!

Na Slovensku sa každý deň rozvedie takmer 35 párov.
Every day in Slovakia, approx. 35 couples get divorced.

V EÚ každých 30 sekúnd zanikne jedno manželstvo.
In the EU, 1 marriage ends every 30 seconds.

Počet rozvodov stúpa (Increase of Divorce)
Rok/Year 2001

9 817 rozvodov/ divorces

Rok/Year 2003

10 716 rozvodov/ divorces

Rok/ Year 2006

12 716 rozvodov/ divorces

Sme v prvej pätnástke (We're in the Top 15)

Európsky rebríček rozvodovosti v roku 2006 (The European Divorce Ladder):

1. Belgicko (Belgium)
2. Luxembursko (Luxembourg)
3. Španielsko (Spain)
4. Česko (Czech Rep.)
5. Maďarsko (Hungary)
6. Rakúsko (Austria)
7. Estónsko (Estonia)
8. Veľká Británia (Great Britian)
9. Litva (Latvia)
10. Nemecko (Germany)
11. Francúzsko (France)
12. Portugalsko (Portugal)
13. Lotyšsko (Lithuania)


15. Fínsko (Finland)

Rozvod z pohľadu manželského páru (Perspective of the Couple):

- Aké sú najčastejšie dôvody na rozvod?(Why do people get divorced?)
- Čo je zmyslom manželstva? Prečo sa ľudia berú? (Why do people get married?)
- Máte nejakú osobnú skúsenosť s rozvodom?(Do you have any experience with divorce?)
- Je rozvod nevyhnutný? (Is divorce inevitable?)
- Môže byť dlhé manželstvo šťastné alebo sa po určitom čase stáva väzením? (Can long marriages be happy or are they just stuck together?)
- Ako sa dá za manželstvo bojovať? (How can be a marriage be fought for?)

Potom sme si pozreli krátke video jedného manželského páru ako sa háda. On bol hasičom a každý naokolo ho rešpektoval a vážil si ho až na vlastnú manželku. Ona si ho vôbec nevážila a neprejavovala mu žiaden rešpekt. Ona zase ťažko pracovala, aby mohli zaplatiť všetky účty a mala pocit, že on jej v tomto vôbec nepomáha a už vôbec nie v chode domácnosti. Ťahal 24 hodinové šichty a aj keď mal potom 2 dni voľna, vôbec s ničím nepomáhal okolo domu. Ona sa cítila, že je na všetko sama. A takto to bolo stále... Nemôžeme sem uploadnuť toto video, pretože je príliš veľké pre YouTube. Ale ak máte źáujem... 7. apríla o 18:30 si celý tento film pozrieme na filmovom klube!

Then we watched a clip about a couple who were arguing. He was a fireman and felt that everyone respected him, except his wife. She didn't appreciate him or give him the respect he deserved. She was working hard to help pay the bills and didn't feel like he was contributing. He worked too much at one time and never saw him, and then he was off work for a few days at a time and felt that he wasn't helping around the house. She felt alone. This was a fight that they had... unfortunately, you can't watch it because it is too big of a file to put on YouTube! But, we're going to watch it on 7. April at 18:30, so you can see it there!

Rozvod z pohľadu dieťaťa (Perspective of the child)

Reakcie dieťaťa na rozvod (Reactions to Divorce):

(rozvodu, oni sa určite ešte dajú do kopy...otec je na služobnej ceste)
Rejection ("They'll get back together", Dad's just gone away on a trip)

(pred kamarátmi za to, že sa rodičia rozvádzajú)
Shame (Ashamed to admit the divorce to others)

Sebaobviňovanie, výčitky
, (že kvôli nim sa rodičia rozvádzajú)
Guilt ("It's my fault"


(z toho, kde budú bývať, kam budú chodiť do školy, s kým budú tráviť prázdniny, čo ak ma už ten druhý rodič nemá rád...)
Fear ("Who will I live with? Where do I spend the holidays? What if my other parent won't love me anymore?")

Úľava- (
no konečne bude pokoj, skôr či neskôr by sa to aj tak stalo..zakrývanie bolesti)
Relief ("Finally there will be peace at home. It would have happened eventually" -covering the pain)

Neistota/nízke sebavedomie -
(nikdy som sa nemal narodiť, som nikto, iba im komplikujem život)
Uncertainess/Low self esteem ("I should never have been born, I am no one, I just make things complicated")



Odcudzenie a samotárstvo
Alienation and Loneliness

Nato sme si pozreli ďaľší klip z toho istého filmu. Bol to rozhovor medzi týmto hasičom a jeho otcom, kde sa jeho otec priznáva, že tiež nedokázal milovať svoju manželku do kým sám nespoznal skutočnú lásku.

Then there was a clip from the same movie which we can't show you! It was a conversation between the fireman and his father, where his father admits that he didn't know how to love his wife until he experienced true love himself.

A napokon sme dali slovo Anke Armitage, ktorá nám porozprávala o svojej vlastnej skúsenosti. Jej otec bol gemblér a aj napriek tomu, že jej mamka sa snažila zostať s jej otcom dlhé roky, nakoniec sa toto manželstvo aj tak skončilo rozvodom. Anka nám hovorila o tom, ako hlboko sa jej to dotýkalo, aj napriek tomu, že už počas rozvodu bola dospelá. Sama cítila, že akýmsi spôsobom aj jej manželstvo raz bude "predurčené" na zánik, najmä kvôli skúsenosti s jej rodičmi. Porozprávala nám o niekoľkých spôsoboch prevencie, ako môžeme predchádzať zídeniu z cesty a samotnému rozvodu. A spomenula aj to, aký vplyv má rozvod jej rodičov teraz na jej vlastné deti.

Then we had our guest, Anna Armitage share about her experiences. She had a father who had a gambling addiction, and even though they tried to stay together for years, her parents ended up getting a divorce. She talked about how it affected her deeply, even though she was an adult when it happened. She also talked about how she felt that she was somehow "doomed" to have a failed marriage because her parent's marriage failed. She also talked about some prevention that we can do to prevent ourselves from going down that road. She also talked about how the divorce of her parent's affects her life now with her own children.

Najbližšie nás čaká:

Filmový Klub! 7. apríla o 18:30. Pozrieme si film Ohňovzdorný ( Fireproof), z ktorého sme si dnes pozreli zopár častí.

Diskusný Klub! 14. apríla o 18:30 na tému MOBILITA. Klub bude aj v angličtine aj slovenčine, takže sa nezľaknite! :)

Coming Up Next:

Film Night! 7. April at 18:30 We will be watching the movie Fireproof, the clips of which we watched tonight.

14. April at 18:30 on the topic of Mobility. It will be in English, with Slovak translation, don't be scared! :)

MTV Generacia

This week's club was a bit lighter of a theme than last, Abortion was quite heavy, quite sad. We aren't promoting depression at our club, so... we decided that a lighter theme was in order! :) We talked about the MTV Generation!

Here are the highlights:

- Humanity is a communications based society.
- Does how we communicate / the changes in how we communicate make a difference?
- Before we had been known for thought (the enlightenment) or for art (the renaissance)
- Technology is changing how we communicate = for the first time ever we had a generation identified by it’s mass communication (which we will call media)

- The MTV Generation = a generation was defined by it's media (music, entertainment, advertising, communications)
- This idea shows that how we communicate / forms of communication can shape our culture
- Communication and culture are linked

- Are we so swamped with entertainment and info that nothing is meaningful?
- With changes in media technology our culture has shifted from the oral tradition to print based to television based and now to the online world.
- Can mass media really shape how we as a society think?

-though focused on one idea, the concept of media shaping our thoughts is there = it teaches us what is to be "normal"

Discussion 1 – Society and Media:
-what is the main purpose of mass-media: entertainment / advertising / information
-do producers of media have their own agenda
-how much influence has media had on our society:
-does media compromise culture?
-how much of the world is more like the USA because of consuming Hollywood’s ideas
-what is the role of new medias? (YOUtube / blogging/ Facebook)

-how much is media shaping your thoughts? NOT AT ALL? right….
-are our thoughts really being shaped by media, even when we think there is diversity.

-even when you think you are being original, someone might have constructed the product to feel that way

Discussion 2 – Media and You:
- are you addicted to entertainment?
- how much control do you give to media over yourself (thoughts, opinions, style)
- what do you do to entertain yourself apart from TV and movies?
- when we consume certain media’s (music, movies, tv) – what does it say about our own lives?
- if you think society is too violent, are you not contributing to it by creating a demand for violent movies?
- how do you feel about being manipulated?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Potrat: Ano ci nie?

Diskusia tento týždeň sa točila okolo POTRATU, čo je dosť hustá téma. Ale aj napriek jej „hustote“ sme mali na klube plno a v celku dobrú, otvorenú diskusiu.

Na začiatku sme sa pozreli na to, ako sa pohľad na potrat v minulosti postupne menil. Tu sú 3 krátke ukážky z filmu „Keby steny mohli hovoriť“, ktoré poukazujú na 3 ženy čeliace potratu v 3 rôznych obdobiach a kontextoch.

This week's discussion was based on abortion, quite a heavy theme. But despite its heaviness, we still had a good crowd come out and we had quite good, open discussion.

To open it up, we looked at how the view of abortion has changed over time. These are little bits from the movie, "If These Walls Could Talk" which shows 3 women who are facing an abortion.

Pred prvou diskusiou sme si povedali zopár faktov o potrate: akými spôsobmi sú potraty uskutočňované, akými nástrojmi, v akom štádiu tehotenstva, aký je právny štatút potratov na Slovensku, atď.

Pozvali sme na klub aj skvelého hosťa, Rasťa Vimpela, ktorý sa kedysi špecializoval na poradenstvo pri potratoch. Rozprával o vplyvoch potratu - fyzických a emocionálnych vplyvoch a taktiež o rôznych pohľadoch na potrat – filozofickom pohľade, pohľade viery a vedeckom pohľade.

Taktiež sme sa bavili o tom, že každá minca má dve strany...

Pozreli sme si video o dievčati, ktoré prežilo potrat, Gianny, ktorá nám rozpovedala svoj príbeh:

Then we talked about the facts of abortion: how it's done, with what, at what time, the legal status of abortion in Slovakia.

We had a guest come in, Rasto Vimpel, who wrote his thesis on abortion counseling. He talked about the effects of abortion, the physical and emotional effects; and the varying views on abortion, the philosophical view, the religious view and the scientific view.

Then we talked about how every story has two sides...

We watched a video of an abortion survivor, Gianna, and heard her story:

Vypočuli sme si názor muža – zástancu potratov, ktorý bol svedkom samo-vyvolaného potratu ženy, ktorá nakoniec zomrela na vykrvácania. Na nešťastie, toto video bolo príliš veľké, a nezmestilo sa na youtube... takže mi len musíte veriť, že toto jeho rozprávanie bolo fakt husté. Spomenul všetky možné nebezpečné spôsoby, ktoré ženy kedysi používali v čase, keď boli potraty ešte ilegálne, na to, aby sa zbavili nechcených plodov. Vyvolali si krvácanie, a nemocnice už potom mohli vykonať odstránenie plodu. Jeho argument bol, že žena má právo sa rozhodnúť a preto by mali byť potraty legálne. Je to vždy lepšie, ako keby si mali ženy takýmito spôsobmi ubližovať.

Then we heard a Pro Choice perspective by a man who witnessed a self-induced abortion which ended in death. Unfortunately, this video was too large to put onto youtube... so, you'll just have to take my word for it that it was good. He talked about all the different dangerous methods that women used, when abortions were illegal, to try to kill their babies, or cause bleeding so that the hospital would do the abortion for them. His point was to keep abortions legal because it was the right of the woman, and to protect women from wanting to do these things to themselves.

Potom sme už otvorili priestor pre otvorenú diskusiu a rozprávali sme sa o potratoch z matkinho uhľa pohľadu. Bavili sme sa o tom či a kedy je lepšie podstúpiť potrat ako si nechať dieťa, aké iné možnosti sú dostupné atď.

We then opened the floor to open discussion to talk about the mother and her perspective. We talked about if and when it is better to abort than to carry it to term, what other other options are available, and many other things.

A taktiež sme sa pozreli na túto problematiku z perspektívy dieťaťa...
Then the topic moved on the baby's perspective...

Matt poukázal na dva rôzne prístupy ako sa pozerať na túto problematiku, použil na to príbeh huslistu a taxikára... Koho práva prevažujú? Práva matky rozhodovať sa alebo práva dieťaťa na život?

Po ďalšej vlne diskusie, ktorá sa dotkla aj takej štipľavej oblasti ako: čo by ste povedali svojej mamke, keby ste zistili, že uvažovala pri vás o potrate? Večer sme nakoniec zavŕšili mňam zákuskami. Teraz určite ľutujete, že ste neprišli, že?

Then Matt talked about 2 ways of looking at this issue, the story of the violin player and the taxi driver... Whose rights are stronger? The mother's right to her body or the baby's right to live?

After another round of discussion about that, as well as what you would say to your mother if you found out that she had wanted to abort you, we ended the evening with some yummy zakusky. Now I KNOW you wish you had been there! :)

Ďalšou témou, ktorú otvoríme 17.03. 2009 bude MTV Generácia... alebo, aký vplyv majú médiá na nás a spoločnosť, a mňa osobne? Tešíme sa na vás!
Next theme is on 17.3 on MTV Generation... what kind of affect does the media have on us as a society, and me as a person? Hope to see you there!