Tak toto bol asi náš najmenší klub doposiaľ v tomto semestri, ale verím, že tí, ktorí prišli, sa poriadne bavili. A tí, ktorí ste na klube chýbali...chýbali ste nám a preto sa na vás tešíme tento týždeň!
I think this was our smallest club yet this semester, but those who came, I believe, had a good time. So, for all those of you who missed it, we missed you too and we hope that you come this coming week!
Posledný klub bol veeeľmi zaujímavý, bavili sme sa totiž o Skutočnej spiritualite. Najskôr sme si definovali, čo pre nás spiritualita znamená, aký názor je verejne sprefanovaný medzi ľuďmi na túto tému a čo sa nám vynára pred očami, keď myslíme na duchovné veci. A taktiež sme sa snažili nájsť prepojenie medzi spiritualitou a vierou. A potom sa to všetko začalo...
This club was a very interesting one, we talked about True Spirituality. We talked about what spirituality means to us, what the popular opinion is on this subject, and what kind of pictures we think of when we think of spiritual things. We also discussed what kind of connection spirituality has with faith. Then, with this understanding... we began our first discussion...
1. Ako by ste charakterizovali veriaceho človeka? - what makes people spiritual?
2. Je pre nás viera prirodzená, naučená, alebo je to voľba? - are we naturally spiritual or is it taught or a choice or...?
3. Existuje prepojenie medzi spiritualitou a náboženstvom? - are spirituality and religion connected?
4. Existuje viacero alebo iba jedna správna viera? - Is there more than one correct faith?
5. Verím? Veríš? Veríme? ..v čo? - am I spiritual?
Potom sme si pozreli skvelé video, aj keď titulky si z nás sem tam vystrelili... Toto video bolo urobené síce z kresťanskej perspektívy, ale môžeš si ho pozrieť aj z neutrálnej perspektívy...presne to sme urobili aj my na klube.
Then we watched a very cool video, although the subtitles were...interesting... But we are working to fix the problem now! The video was made from a Christian perspective, but you can watch it also from a neutral perspective... which is what we did. Then we discussed the following...
1. Je Boh súčasťou nášho každodenného života? - is God involved in our daily lives?
2. Ako si predstavujete Boha? Na čom sú tieto predstavy založené? - what images do you have of God? How did you get those images?
3. Kde je Boh? - Where is God?
4. Kedy ladíme a kedy neladíme s touto piesňou? - what does it mean to be in or out of tune with the song?
5. Je možné aby človek veril v Boha, ale pritom neladil s touto piesňou? how can one believe in God and be out of tune?
6. Čo je dôležitejšie? ..čo robíme, alebo čo hovoríme? - what is more important? What we do or what we say?
7. Je rozhodnutie veriť v Boha záležitosťou pocitov alebo rozumu? Je každonenný život s vierou iný ako život bez nej? Does having faith in God need to be an emotional decision, or can it be purely an intellectual one? What difference does faith make in your everyday life?
Zvyšok času sme využili veľmi užitočne, najmä pre naše bruchá ...dva druhy koláčov (cookies od Betky a banánový cake od Kim z Kanady) ... no čo lepšie si môže človek priať?!
Then we had a very rich eating time after,... we had 2 delicacies to take part in... cookies by Betka and banana cake by Kim, our guest from Canada. They were really nice...
Príďte tento týždeň ...témou je LÁSKA: mýtus alebo realita? ..a pomastíte si určite aj bruchá..
Come this week... our theme is going to be LOVE: is it a myth or a reality??
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ako žiť s peniazmi a ako bez nich???
Ach tie peniaze... Ako je možné, že vládnu svetom?! Alebo, žeby nie? Sme schopní žiť bez peňazí? Je skutočne život iba o peniazoch? ..tak o tomto sme sa bavili na našom poslednom klube...opäť sme zabudli na fotky, ale to nevadí, bolo fajn aj bez papparazzi :)
Oh money, something that makes the world go around, or does it? Can we live without money? Is that really what life is all about? That's what we talked about this past club... again, I don't have pictures, but those who were there can confirm that we did indeed have a club! :)
Najskôr sme sa bavili o našim pocitoch/názoroch na peniaze samotné. Pýtali sme sa na to:
The first thing that we did this club was talk about our thoughts/feelings about money itself. We asked ourselves this question:
Čo najlepšie vystihuje váš názor na peniaze?
What statement best reflects my opinion about money?
a) Peniaze sú zdrojom všetkého zla. Money is the source of all evil.
b) Peniaze odvádzajú človeka od toho, čo je v živote skutočne podstatné. Money takes people away from what is really important in life.
c) Ľudia by sa nemali hnať za peniazmi, ale radšej by mali jeden druhému pomáhať zdarma. People shouldn't have to run after money, but should rather help others for free.
d) Nedostatok peňazí je zdrojom všetkého zla. The lack of money is the source of all evil.
e) Peniaze sú najlepší prostriedok ako zmeniť svet k lepšiemu. Money is the best way to change the world for the better.
Pozreli sme si video:
After which we watched this video:
a diskutovali:
Discussion #1:
- Akú hodnotu majú v dnešnej dobe peniaze a kedy ju strácajú? What value does money have in our lives today and when does it lose that value?
- V čom spočíva moc peňazí? Prečo ich ľudia milujú? Where does money get its power from? Why do people love it?
- Kedy sú peniaze použité správne a kedy nesprávne? When is money used well and when is it not used well?
Táto diskusia bola fakt dlhá...určite si viete predstaviť prečo! :)
Oh this discussion went long... as I am sure you can see why! :)
Povedali sme si pár príbehov... o chalanovi-čechovi, ktorý hral v Rusku profesionálne futbal, zarábal brutálne prachy, no jedného dňa ich všetky stratil. A o bezdomovcovi, ktorý je šťastný, že žije tak ako žije, pretože tým, že nič nemá, tak nemá ani čo stratiť.
Then Betka told us a couple stories... one about a guy she met in Russia who had a LOT of money and thought he had lost everything. The next story was about a homeless guy who said that he was happy to live as he does because if you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.
Až sme sa nejakým spôsobom dopracovali..
Which led us to ...
...k diskusii č.2
Discussion #2:
- Žijeme pre peniaze, alebo peniaze "žijú" pre nás? Do we exist for money or does money exist for us?
- Kto z nás je ochotný žiť bez peňazí? Who of us would be able to live without money?
- Kto z nás je schopný neviazať sa na hmotné statky? Who of us would be able to be free of dependency on material things?
- V čom spočíva skutočné bohatstvo? What is real wealth?
Napokon sme si pozreli krátku pasáž z filmu Nepriateľ pred bránami (, ktorý tu však nemôžeme uploadnuť, sorry!) V tejto ukážke Danilov hovorí Vasilijovi, že nikdy nebude existovať perfektná, rovná spoločnosť. Vždy si bude čo závidieť, ak to nebude práve bohatstvo, tak potom priateľstvo, láska, úsmev. Vždy tu budú ľudia bohatí v nadaniach - chudobní v nadaniach, bohatí v láske - chudobní v láske ... Och, chudák chlapík, bol fakt zúfalý! :)
Then we watched a quick video from Enemy at the Gates (which we don't have for you to watch, sorry!) Where Danilov tells Vasiliji that there will never exist a perfect, equal society. There will always be something to envy, if not wealth, than a frienship, love, a smile. There will always be rich and poor. Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Poor guy... he was so depressed! :)
Then Marta closed us off with a story from her own life about how she has seen that time and time again, God has taken care of her and provided for her needs. But, in order for there to be a miracle, as far as financial things are concerned, we have to be in that pre-miracle state. We have to experience that true hardship before we can really celebrate in the miracle. Or it wouldn't be a miracle.
Tak v čom sme bohatí? Sme ochotní prejsť si aj ťažkými časmi, tmou...aby sme raz mohli uvidieť vo svojom živote svetlo?
So, what are we rich in?? And are we willing to go through the darkness in order for us to see the light?
A ako vždy sme aj tentokrát ukončili večer s nejakou tou dobrotou. A nie hocijakou, tentokrát to bola tá najsladšia 5000-covka akú ste kedy videli a jedli!! :)
Oh, and of course, as is tradition, we concluded the evening with a good dessert: this club it was the sweetest 5000SKK you will ever eat! :)

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